Diocesan-wide Buildings and Property Strategy

Properties play an essential role in the life of our Diocese, but are only truly serving their purpose if they are being used to facilitate ministry and evangelism. With almost 270 parishes operating out of around 1,000 individual properties, and with numerous organisations such as Anglicare, the Anglican Schools Corporation and Moore College having their own property strategies, a ministry-led diocesan-wide buildings and property strategy is crucial.

In developing this strategy, SAP is considering a number of important factors regarding our building and property assets, such as:

  • Are they still fit for purpose?
  • Have we taken into consideration the changing perception of Christianity in our society?
  • Are our buildings and properties in optimal locations?
  • If some areas are oversupplied or undersupplied with local Anglican churches, do we need to consider a more strategic approach regarding where churches should be located?
  • What types of buildings and built forms might best facilitate effective ministry and evangelism both now and in the future?

Development of this diocesan-wide strategy is being undertaken on a region-by-region basis. To date, the regional buildings and property strategy for the South Western region has been prepared. The draft strategy was tabled at Synod in 2023, with submissions called for. The strategy has now been finalised and approved by Standing Committee. Click on the button below to view it.

Available Now

Two other regional strategies – for the Western and Northern regions – are currently being drafted and will be released for consultation shortly, with a further two to follow in 2025.

Draft for comment expected in Q4 2024

Draft for comment expected in Q4 2024

Draft for comment expected in 2025

Draft for comment expected in 2025

Greenfields Strategy

With Sydney expanding rapidly into new areas, particularly in the north-west and south-west land release areas, SAP is keen to have a presence in new communities in order to provide a gospel presence as new residents move in.

To ensure the acquisition of new land is done in a managed and strategic manner, the Anglican Church Growth Corporation (now SAP) developed a Greenfields Strategic Plan 2023-2025 that explains the Diocese’s plan, process and priorities for acquiring new land within the current business cycle and beyond.

For more information on the various sites purchased and the progress of new church plants, visit our Greenfields page.

SAP Strategic Plan

We are currently developing our SAP Strategic Plan that will shape our priorities for the coming years. This will be available here shortly. In the meantime, you can read the former Growth Corporation Strategic Plan below for 2023-2025 to get a sense for some of our priorities.