Your one-stop shop
Sydney Anglican Property is your one-stop shop for all property-related matters in the Diocese of Sydney.
SAP brings the day-to-day management of existing parish property together with the strategic work of delivering new gospel building projects in greenfield and urban renewal areas of Sydney. All so that more people can meet Jesus in their community.
Check out our latest news below or choose from one of the options shown here. If you’ve got any feedback or great ideas, we’d love to hear from you. And don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube.
Manage your parish property
Are you a parish office holder looking to manage the day-to-day operations of your parish property? If so, this is where you’ll find all the information and help you’ll need.
Greenfields projects
Get inspired by the brand new gospel communities we’re helping to create in rapidly growing areas of the Diocese – and by those that are already up and running!
Diocesan property strategy
Want to understand how the projects we undertake fit within a broader strategy for the Diocese? Check out our comprehensive suite of property strategies, based on the latest research and up-to-date data analysis.
Urban renewal projects
Interested in upgraded ministry facilities while also blessing your local community? Learn about how we’re activating our church property assets and turning them into thriving gospel and community hubs of the future.
Latest News
The Nucleus Design: SAP’s new approach to the greenfields
Have you ever tried to cook something without a recipe? Starting from scratch, maybe a rough idea of ingredients, but not really sure how much to include or the necessary steps to take? And then you …
Elevating the focus on ministry through and to Indigenous people
In his 2023 Presidential address to Synod, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel shared a statement of purpose and priorities for the Diocese. One of the three key areas identified was ministry to First …
Parishes secure over $3.5m in grant funding by partnering with SAP!
Over 150 parishes across the Diocese are set to benefit from more than $3.5 million in government and council funding thanks to a host of successful applications lodged in partnership with Sydney …
What people are
saying about us…
“I’m personally very grateful for the timely, responsive and helpful advice, as well as practical assistance on matters with the potential to cause great stress. Many of the hopes from the SAP restructure are bearing fruit.”
Rector, South Sydney Region
“I wanted to say how grateful I am for the support provided by your staff for our project. They have been unflagging in their attendance at our Project Control Group meetings, responding promptly to our enquiries and introducing us to Architectural Panel members and consultants. I am deeply grateful for their dedication to obtaining good outcomes for our parish and for the Gospel.“
Rector, Western Region
Partner with us
We love it when people who share our vision for putting property on mission come alongside and partner in the work we do. Whether it’s simply sharing our content on social media or supporting our projects financially, there’s any number of ways you can get involved.
Most importantly, we’d love you to pray for our work.
Choose one of the options below to take the next step with Sydney Anglican Property.