Sydney Anglican Property's Ministry-led Buildings and Property Strategy for the South Western Region has been approved by the Standing Committee of Synod following a period of public consultation ...
The Nucleus Design: SAP’s new approach to the greenfields
Have you ever tried to cook something without a recipe? Starting from scratch, maybe a rough idea of ingredients, but not really sure how much to include or the necessary steps to take? And then you ...
Elevating the focus on ministry through and to Indigenous people
In his 2023 Presidential address to Synod, Archbishop Kanishka Raffel shared a statement of purpose and priorities for the Diocese. One of the three key areas identified was ministry to First ...
Parishes secure over $3.5m in grant funding by partnering with SAP!
Over 150 parishes across the Diocese are set to benefit from more than $3.5 million in government and council funding thanks to a host of successful applications lodged in partnership with Sydney ...
An immense need and an incredible opportunity: Sydney Anglican Property’s regional strategic work
In the next 20 years, 1.8 million people are projected to move to Sydney. 50 per cent of these will be settling west of Parramatta. That means a lot of people will be moving into new land release ...
Spirits soar as Archbishop opens Beacon Hill project
The very first project to be completed under Sydney Anglican Property’s Urban Renewal Pilot Program is now officially open, following a wonderful ceremony at the Beacon Hill Specialist Disability ...
Putting property on mission: The Urban Renewal Pilot Program
Churches are always looking for new ways to engage the local community around them. Why? Because Paul in Acts 20:24 tells us that our only aim is “to finish the race and complete the task the Lord ...
Gladesville sale set to fund new community and ministry facilities
We all know that Sydney property prices can be pretty eye-watering! And, at the same time, it’s no secret that keeping ministry sites and facilities fit for purpose for future generations requires ...