If you would like to pray for the work of SAP, please find a number of prayer points below.
Please pray for the upcoming Synod in the Greenfields on Saturday 14 September. This is a wonderful opportunity for people from right across our Diocese to see for themselves the work being done to build new gospel communities in the growth areas of Sydney’s west. In particular, pray that existing churches would be inspired to support the building of new churches in these areas.
Please continue to pray for SAP staff and Board members. Pray for energy, godliness, wisdom and resilience as we juggle competing priorities. Praise God for the joy we derive from working on such inspiring projects!
Pray for SAP’s ongoing partnership with Sustainable Development Group – that we would continue to work effectively together, building strong professional relationships that result in wonderful building projects.
Pray icons created by Freepik – Flaticon
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We love it when people who share our vision for putting property on mission come alongside and partner in the work we do. Whether it’s simply sharing our content on social media or supporting our projects financially, there’s any number of ways you can get involved.
Most importantly, we’d love you to pray for our work.
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